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A casual conversation, in 1989, between Lisa Rose and her mother, Charlotte Rennie, over Lisa’s frustration at not finding the “perfect” handbag was the spark. Make your own, suggested Charlotte. A love of fabrics combined with a long history of sewing, vision, and creating, to bring ideas to reality, were the inspiration. That evening saw the perfect handbag and a new company called Rennie & Rose.
Lisa’s husband, Greg joined the growing company in 1997. A custom fabric program was established as well as a discerning home décor line.
Their mission is to bring their visionary ideas to life with a never-ending commitment to quality and Made in USA. Fabric designs are inspired by a family love of nature, animals, history, art, architecture, fun at the ocean and woven at mills exclusively for Rennie & Rose!
What’s the fun part? Merge timeless design with color; weave the design into beautiful fabrics which magically transform into functional products that are also a piece of art!